How Your Outfit Makes Your Day

It might sound superficial to say that dressing well holds the power to make or break a day. But from my experience, it does.

I realized the power of dressing well one day earlier this semester, when I woke up and said to myself, “I’m going to put some real effort into what I wear today.” I saw the blue sky and crisp fall air, carefully picked out my warm shoulder sweater and favorite bootleg jeans, and left the house with the mantra in mind: “This is going to be a great day.”

And because of this intentional morning outfit choice, I did in fact have a great day.

This choice of jeans and sweater overlay was so important because it interrupted the cycle of sweatshirt and leggings I had been sporting for most of the semester thus far.

Living a 25-minute walk from campus this semester, I’ve gotten pretty used to rushing out of the house to stay on campus from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. What I choose to wear in the morning is what I’m stuck with. On those bum-headed days, where I put zero effort into my appearance, I often find myself hiding behind my hood in hopes people won’t see me in that state. 

That’s why my choice to dress well and wear something I loved changed the game for good. I felt a drastic increase in my overall happiness level for the entire rest of the day.

Here are three reasons why I now encourage you to take the time to dress well each day: 

1. Dressing well increases your confidence

Often when you wear a quick throw-together fit, you end up worrying about what others might think when they see you. But, when you dress well, it’s more likely you’ll walk into Hillside hearing “Dude, I love your dress! You’re glowing!”. You deserve to be hyped up by others & yourself when you feel your best! And you’ll have more brain space to complete the tasks at hand, be productive, and walk across the quad into whatever the day demands.

2. Dressing well keeps you disciplined

Scheduling out ten minutes in your nightly routine to lay out a baller outfit for the next day can become the self-care ritual you never realized you needed. To plan an outfit in advance is to set a positive intention for the next day. This way, you’ll wake up, dress to impress, and get after the day.

3. Dressing well allows you to be heard well

When you dress well, not only will your inner confidence allow your brain to speak itself most authentically, but others will perceive what you are saying as true to yourself and valuable. Classiness shows care, and others value and respect that facet of care toward fashion. 

All in all, it’s important to go through your days feeling good about yourself, for yourself. When you wear something you feel comfortable, confident and happy to wear, it’s more likely you will radiate the positive light you’re meant to radiate that day, exhibiting positive productivity and energy along the way.


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